by Alistair Summers | Oct 6, 2020 | The Numbers
The Road You Choose is So Important Your financial information creates a picture of your business at any point in time. The more up to date that picture, the better able you are to fix any potential problems before they become too serious. With so many businesses...
by Alistair Summers | Feb 5, 2019 | Change
8 Simple Rules I’m always trying to improve how I get to where I want to go – and by that I mean working out what I really want in life, what goals I should aim for, where I should start, how do I control what needs to be done, how do I change the way I do...
by Alistair Summers | Dec 10, 2018 | Business Fitness
Running an Awesome Business First of all I love that picture – running the worlds highest marathon from Everest Base Camp. I love running and I think it’s an absolutely awesome goal that’s both motivating and inspiring. Always start with the Why...
by Alistair Summers | Mar 4, 2018 | Strategy
Improve Your Performance and Results – Just Execute What seems like a long time ago I ran a Marathon. The point is – I thought about running it, I decided to run it, I entered the race, I trained for the race – and I ran it. I had a goal that I...
by Alistair Summers | Jul 31, 2017 | Business Fitness
This is the second article about ‘Business Fitness’ – and I’d like you think about why you really have a business. Purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. So – why did you start up your...
by Alistair Summers | Jul 19, 2017 | Business Fitness
This is an introduction for the first in a series of articles about business fitness – what that means – and how you can achieve it. So – I’ve always loved running and hillwalking – but my enjoyment is hugely dependent on how fit I am....
by Alistair Summers | Jul 13, 2017 | Problem Solving
4 Walls in Business Where You Get ‘Stuck’ I remember when I was in the TA having to run round an obstacle course – and literally running into an eight foot high wall. We were in a team and just to make things easy we had to carry a six foot heavy...
by Alistair Summers | Apr 2, 2017 | Strategy
“Strategy drives the plan toward the goal. A plan alone wanders aimlessly.” George Konetes Four Challenges Successful Businesses overcome 1. They have a Strategy This is about the Why. 2. They have a Plan This is about the How. 3. They...
by Alistair Summers | Jan 10, 2017 | Strategy
Do you want to be Jack or Harry in 2017 There are two fruit growers – Jack and Harry. They both started out with a few trees – apples, pears and plums. Over the years their businesses grew very differently. They both had land to extend their orchards.Jack...
by Alistair Summers | Nov 6, 2016 | Change
It’s Been A While I’ve had a break from writing posts as – like every business you either change gradually or you make a conscious decision to change up a gear and refocus – which is just what I’ve been doing.I’ll be launching a...