It’s Been A While 

I’ve had a break from writing posts as – like every business you either change gradually or you make a conscious decision to change up a gear and refocus – which is just what I’ve been doing.

I’ll be launching a new site in December – with a new set of programmes – and a new focus on what I do and how I do it.

It’s been exciting and challenging – really challenging. But that’s what change is all about. Moving outside of your existing comfort zones, challenging what’s working and what’s not working, and recognising your true potential.

But the most important thing is – you have to stop thinking about what needs to be done – you have to go out and make it happen.

You have to take action!

Business Success and Personal Success

If you want to achieve anything in life – there is no point wishing things would change, or thinking about how you could make things better – you have to go out and take actions every  day that will move you towards you goals.

It’s all about Making No Excuses and Getting The Right Things Done.

What Changes Are You Going To Make?

So – there are two months to the end of this year.

Did you make a plan this year of what you were going to do and how?

What successes have you had this year and what goals have you achieved?

You still have time to either up the pace and catch up if you are behind your plan or even beat it.

This is also a great time for planning what you are going to do next year.

So take time out and spend an hour writing about how 2016 has been and what you are going to do in 2017 – and inject what I like to call a bit of Life Without Limits into the mix.

Have a good week.


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