Make Your Numbers Work
Produce Monthly Figures, Develop Forecasts, Analyse Profitability,
Make Business Decisions that aid Profit Recovery and Sustainability.
The 100 Day Numbers Challenge
Take it – What have you got to lose?
What is the 100 Day Numbers Challenge? Do I need it?
The Basics
Make Your Numbers Work accelerates your understanding and use of your business numbers – to improve your performance and profitability.
Start to see your numbers in a way that makes more sense – where and how you make your money – or don’t. We’ll look at your systems, Financials, Cash Flow, Forecasts and so much more.
Identify your challenges and decide what needs to change. set Goals, make a Plan, take action – and get the results you want.
Your numbers really are critical for Business Survival and Recovery.
100 Day Numbers Challenge – will help you do just that.
Why Your Business May Need It
Over the last year the importance of numbers has become a critical concern for every business.
Numbers are the lifeblood of your business. They paint a picture of what you did, what you’re doing, and what you could do.
Numbers are like maps that you can learn to use and follow – to get to where you want to go. They show the best paths to take and which ones to avoid – to identify your obstacles and your opportunities.
If you understand and use your numbers – you can set targets, measure and improve performance, adjust prices, margins and improve profits.
But people tend to fear business numbers or fail to make time for them. So they avoid them and miss opportunities to improve their business.
Using your numbers is a key business skill. Without it a business can stumble and fail to reach its potential or struggle to survive in tough times.
100 Day Numbers Challenge – will help you identify what’s working and what’s not working.
How the Challenge Can Help
Goal Setting
Recovery & Sustainability
Current Challenge
Like any business owner – you want a Successful and Profitable business – but today and in the coming months people are looking at Recovery and Sustainability.
Business dynamics have changed over the last year. Businesses are trying to work out the new rules as they try to become more entreprenneurial.
But what if you don’t have proper monthly accounts, financial forecasts, cash flow forecasts, information about your margins, product or service profitability?
What do you do next and when?
How do you create a plan when there seem to be so many questions with so few answers?
How do you create a forecast for one month let alone the next six months or twelve months?
Your numbers really are critical for Business Recovery and Sustainabilty.
The 100 Day Numbers Challenge
With Make Your Numbers Work – I’ll guide you through a five month process that will:
- Accelerate your understanding and use of your business numbers – to improve your performance and profitability.
- Help you start to see your numbers in a way that makes more sense – especially where and how you make your money – or don’t.
- Review whatever Financial Systems, Financials, Forecasts, Cash Flow, information about your margins, and product or service profitability you have.
- Produce monthly accounts, forecasts, and cash flow figures to help you to Survive and then Recover – and help you in their production if that’s possible.
- Identify your challenges and decide what needs to change.
- Work out what’s wrong and how to fix it.
- Help you gain clarity, focus and direction.
- Help you set your Goals, make a Plan, and ensure you take action – and get the results you want.
- Give you an Action System that helps you do get all these things done.
- Help you to step back from your business and use those numbers to make better Decisons, improve your Performance, achieve better Results, and increase your Profitability.
The 100 Day Numbers Challenge will give you a chance to find a path to Recovery and Sustainability.
Is that guaranteed? No – because there are so many uncertainties, questions and a blurred picture of this jigsaw puzzle.
But as those uncertainties become easier to quantify, as those questions get answered and the jigsaw puzzle picture becomes clearer – the 100 Day Numbers Challenge will be there to guide you through your winding path to Recovery and on to Sustainabilty.
Programme Details
The 100 Day Numbers Challenge is a unique programme aimed at helping businesses in these unprecedented times. There can be no one size fits all and so the cost will be based on the time and effort required to help each business.
The starting cost is £250 per month.
Some businesses might require simple advice, another pair of eyes to look at figures, someone to bounce ideas and plans off whilst others might require far more support.
The programme will be delivered through a mixture of Fce to Face, Zoom, coaching software, email and telephone.
Find Out More About
100 Day Numbers Challenge
To find out more about the 100 Day Numbers Challenge and how it can help – contact me as follows:
Tel: 07981 107914
or contact me using this link.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Will The 100 Day Numbers Challenge Help ME?
Who Is The 100 Day Numbers Challenge For?
Any business owner who believes their numbers really are critical for Business Recovery and Sustainability.
If you improve how you understand and use your numbers – you can set targets, measure performance, adjust prices and margins so as to ensure improved profits – and so much more…
Am I Locked Into A Contract?
The 100 Day Numbers Challenge lasts for 100 business days or 5 months.
If at any time you feel the ‘Challenge’ is not working for you – then you are free to walk away at the end of the month you have reached.
I have run other ‘Chalenges’ before and no one as yet has not completed the 100 Days!
What Support Do You Provide?
Support is proveded though a mixture of Face to Face, Zoom, Coaching software,email and telephone.
The work is carried out under an umbrella of coaching, consultancy and mentoring. The 100 Day Numbers Challenge is not for the feint hearted as it requires both committment and hard work from both parties.
What Are Your Qualifications?
I’ve worked with small companies and large companies – in private practice, in the commercial sector, in the public sector, and in the charity sector. I’ve been a Finance Director and an Operations Director – at the same time – and been responsible for a billion-pound operation – and I’ve been working for myself for 15 years helping business owners navigate the challenges of running, growing and sustaining their businessess.
Alistair has been a valued adviser to On Site Generation over the years. Initially providing support on marketing and growing the business, Alistair’s financial skills have also been an asset to the process and he supported the development of our forecasting and accounting systems. We have since brought in new bookkeeping & accounting services and a web based accounts package which have been key to the success of the company.
I’ve been working with Alistair for three years. In this time, he has helped me significantly grow my business. He has helped me set goals and work towards achieving them. Alistair is very likeable, and his easy but focused manner means that his coaching sessions are always productive. During the sessions he really takes time to understand any issues that I need to discuss.
Alistair has always been a good source of guidance and inspiration for me and my business. He is very patient and thorough and has a good understanding of business structures and figures. As well as helping with the financials of the business, he also has a real understanding of people, which is most important. I would highly recommend Alistair to anyone who would like to improve their business and methods.